2016-03-29 19:41:42 UTC
I am trying to work with MayNotBreak to keep group of rows in a table
I noticed when upgrading from 5.5.1 to 5.5.9, the behavior of MayNotBreak
changed, in what I think is an incorrect way.
In my code, I want to group 2 sets of rows together, such that they will
never be on separate pages.
Example that my PDF follows. Rows N and N+1 should stick together if N is
even (0,2,etc...).
On 5.5.1, the first page ends with "6, Group" which to me seems correct.
Starting with 5.5.6, it now ends with "6, Group, 8" splitting 8 and its
grouped row apart.
It seems the cause is because of this commit:
Can someone confirm this and that I am not mis-understanding the MayNotBreak
View this message in context: http://itext.2136553.n4.nabble.com/bug-Java-iText-5-5-9-doesn-t-correctly-work-with-MayNotBreak-for-2-grouped-rows-tp4661021.html
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I noticed when upgrading from 5.5.1 to 5.5.9, the behavior of MayNotBreak
changed, in what I think is an incorrect way.
In my code, I want to group 2 sets of rows together, such that they will
never be on separate pages.
Example that my PDF follows. Rows N and N+1 should stick together if N is
even (0,2,etc...).
On 5.5.1, the first page ends with "6, Group" which to me seems correct.
Starting with 5.5.6, it now ends with "6, Group, 8" splitting 8 and its
grouped row apart.
It seems the cause is because of this commit:
Can someone confirm this and that I am not mis-understanding the MayNotBreak
View this message in context: http://itext.2136553.n4.nabble.com/bug-Java-iText-5-5-9-doesn-t-correctly-work-with-MayNotBreak-for-2-grouped-rows-tp4661021.html
Sent from the iText mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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iText-questions mailing list
iText(R) is a registered trademark of 1T3XT BVBA.
Many questions posted to this list can (and will) be answered with a reference to the iText book: http://www.itextpdf.com/book/
Please check the keywords list before you ask for examples: http://itextpdf.com/themes/keywords.php