[iText-questions] Setting different header footer in one document
amol borate
2015-03-09 15:48:23 UTC
Hi all,
I have one report which is having report header and page header. I want to
create PDF using I text api and need to set report header and page header
on first page only. On second page I will need page header n page footer.
On third page I need page header and page footer along with report footer.
So how to achieve this? I have used I text APIs before to set only page
header n footer in one document before. Plz help.
iText mailing list
2015-03-11 17:55:37 UTC
Post by amol borate
Hi all,
I have one report which is having report header and page header. I
want to create PDF using I text api and need to set report header and
page header on first page only. On second page I will need page header
n page footer. On third page I need page header and page footer along
with report footer. So how to achieve this? I have used I text APIs
before to set only page header n footer in one document before.
What have you tried?
Surely you are using page events to add a header. In that case, it's
just a matter of adding:

if (writer.getPageNumber() == 1)
// code to add one header
// code to add another header

Isn't it?

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