2015-04-24 08:49:23 UTC
Hi all,
This is my scenarios:
- an user download a PDF file created by Jasper Report from system
- the user chose to open the PDF file with the reader instead of download it
- the browser download it on the user temporary directory
- when the user try to save this opened PDF to an other directory a copy of
the original file was created
that is wrong on my scenario because system had recorded the HASH of the
original PDF document on downloading
To prevent this PDF-copy creation on save I adopt this workaround:
<pd4ml:permissions password="empty" strongEncryption="false"
Now I have a new requirement, the user should be able to sign this PDF.
Unfortunately the document so created is unmodifiable and all other tried
rights configurations except then rights="34820" lose the
prevent-PDF-copy-on-save feature.
My question is:
exists some kind of rights configuration that maintains the
prevent-PDF-copy-on-save feature but permit to sign the PDF document?
Thanks in advance,
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This is my scenarios:
- an user download a PDF file created by Jasper Report from system
- the user chose to open the PDF file with the reader instead of download it
- the browser download it on the user temporary directory
- when the user try to save this opened PDF to an other directory a copy of
the original file was created
that is wrong on my scenario because system had recorded the HASH of the
original PDF document on downloading
To prevent this PDF-copy creation on save I adopt this workaround:
<pd4ml:permissions password="empty" strongEncryption="false"
Now I have a new requirement, the user should be able to sign this PDF.
Unfortunately the document so created is unmodifiable and all other tried
rights configurations except then rights="34820" lose the
prevent-PDF-copy-on-save feature.
My question is:
exists some kind of rights configuration that maintains the
prevent-PDF-copy-on-save feature but permit to sign the PDF document?
Thanks in advance,
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Sent from the iText mailing list archive at
One dashboard for servers and applications across Physical-Virtual-Cloud
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Performance metrics, stats and reports that give you Actionable Insights
Deep dive visibility with transaction tracing using APM Insight.;117567292;y
iText-questions mailing list
iText(R) is a registered trademark of 1T3XT BVBA.
Many questions posted to this list can (and will) be answered with a reference to the iText book:
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