[iText-questions] loop annotations
René Rakitow
2015-05-11 20:03:47 UTC

Im trying to loop through the annotations of a pdf and find the name of it and its data

I have the following code;

Private Sub GetAnnots(PdfFile As String)

Dim PdfReader As New PdfReader(PdfFile)
Dim PageDictionary As PdfDictionary = Nothing
Dim AnnotArray As PdfArray = Nothing
Dim Annotation As PdfDictionary = Nothing
Dim PdfString As PdfString = Nothing
Dim AnnotationDictionary As PdfDictionary = Nothing

For page = 1 To PdfReader.NumberOfPages
PageDictionary = PdfReader.GetPageN(page)
AnnotArray = PageDictionary.GetAsArray(PdfName.ANNOTS)

If Not AnnotArray Is Nothing Then
For Each pdfobj As PdfObject In AnnotArray.ArrayList
AnnotationDictionary = DirectCast(PdfReader.GetPdfObject(pdfobj), PdfDictionary)

'' HOW do I go further?


End If


End Sub

Kind regards,

iText mailing list
2015-05-12 07:39:53 UTC
Can you post this on http://stackoverflow.com using the tag iTextSharp?
We're no longer using the mailing-list. See http://itextpdf.com/support

Also: please explain in more detail what you expect to extract. There's
a list of 26 types in ISO-32000-1 (and there will be 29 types in
ISO-32000-2 of which 2 will be deprecated). Depending on the type, it is
not clear what you mean when you say you want to get the data from these
annotations. Each annotations has its own set of properties. Are you
looking for link annotations? widget annotations? text annotations?

In short: you're asking only half a question. You should ask us a full
question if you expect an answer.

(Please do not respond to this mail. This INBOX isn't monitored as
frequently as StackOverflow. Note that your mail had to be approved
manually because you weren't subscribed to the mailing-list...)
Post by René Rakitow
Im trying to loop through the annotations of a pdf and find the name of it and its data
I have the following code;
PrivateSub GetAnnots(PdfFile As String)
Dim PdfReader As New PdfReader(PdfFile)
Dim PageDictionary As PdfDictionary = Nothing
Dim AnnotArray As PdfArray = Nothing
Dim Annotation As PdfDictionary = Nothing
Dim PdfString As PdfString = Nothing
Dim AnnotationDictionary As PdfDictionary = Nothing
For page = 1 To PdfReader.NumberOfPages
PageDictionary = PdfReader.GetPageN(page)
AnnotArray = PageDictionary.GetAsArray(PdfName.ANNOTS)
If Not AnnotArray Is Nothing Then
For Each pdfobj As PdfObject In AnnotArray.ArrayList
AnnotationDictionary = DirectCast(PdfReader.GetPdfObject(pdfobj), PdfDictionary)
‘’ HOW do I go further?
End If
End Sub
Kind regards,
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